Friday, May 1, 2009

It's been a while!

Man have i neglected my blog!!!

.....well here's an update friends!

3/24 - 3/28

I went to the Game Developers Conference (GDC) at San Francisco , California for a week to get a look at the gaming industry. With all star industry professionals looking to grab new people and hundreds of prospective employees looking to get hired by them, it was a little intimidating. After the first day though, it got a little more friendly; I started meeting new people, getting connected with people from around the world and general networking. It was a really cool experience and Im glad I went.

Of course I took my camera! The city was amazing! I havent been to an actual big city and its really cool. Although there are many vagrants roaming the streets, it still had a crazy "busy" feel to it that made me feel part of something bigger; it really felt like the city was alive.

I took photos of the main city, the conference, and of the plane trips. Here's a slide show of the photos I took.
Trip to GDC - San Francisco

(I have just installed Picasa recently so hopefully that works as intended >__< )

3/30 - Present

(Thats our logo for our Game Studio)

For school, I was teamed up with a group of classmates to start a 5 month project on making a video game demo. We're 2 months in , so far so good :D !
There were 5 groups formed in my class (big class) but one group got canned this month; I feel so bad for them... They have to start back in month 1 from the 5 months.

We are making a Zombie RTS game where you play as the zombie overlord and control all the zombies from a birds eye perscpective and try to wipe all the humans off the map. You play in a city and capture buildings to gain resources (people) and build units from the closests building to specified rally pint. I am the Asset Lead for Gnomicidal Games and our class studio is called Apocalypse Pony Studio. So far its been really fun and its only gonna get better - it just keeps me real busy though >_<

thats pretty much the biggest updates for now. Did a couple shoots with my friends back in miami, probably post those later; i got tired and now just wanna sleep -_-

See ya!